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Just a couple on an adventure looking for some good eats and good peeps.

About Julia

I can be caught: volunteering, reading up on social issues, crying over Wes Anderson, loving all things British, taking photographs, listening to oldies (but goodies), joining multiple fandoms, going to shows and reblogging cats. I live for one-liners, the 90's and all things fashion related.


About Alex

Hi, I still haven't updated this or told Julia what she should write so...


About Us

We are both Mississauga, Ontario, Canada natives that moved to Ottawa. This year we are turning 25 (Korea age = 26). We hold B.A.s in Communications. We actually met at the University of Ottawa, through a mutual friend, and have been together for almost quite some time.


"I'd like to take a short rest..."

This was said by a friend during a D&D encounter. During the first round of combat he gets severely injured and asks our Dungeon Master if he could take a short rest (to heal) and then resume battle. This resulted in quite a laugh, as the irony is an encounter can typically last between 30-60 seconds whereas a short rest lasts 4 hours.


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